EBM-PAPST公司:离心风机 (052714)

 行业动态    |      2014-01-01

As part of a complete line, RadiPac EC centrifugal fans from 250-1,250 mm are available in a variety of support bracket and cube designs. The K3G630 630-mm plug fan with integrated motor and speed controls is a plug-and-play air mover. The fans integrated speed control gives users the highest performance at every speed and any operation point, claims the company. The prepackaged and complete assembly includes linear speed control, various sensor inputs, and Modbus inputs. Featuring GreenTech ECM technology, RadiPac fans offer a medium-pressure option for ventilation and air conditioning applications.

EBM-PAPST公司:离心风机 (052714)

Source: ACHR News (a part of news report)
